5 Reasons to Hire Professional Christmas Light Installers

Professional Christmas light hanging

Christmas is easily one of the most joyous times of the year. From parties to presents, there are lots of things that come together to make Christmas so enjoyable. One thing not so enjoyable, though, is hanging the Christmas lights. Here are the top 5 reasons to hire a professional Christmas light installation company this holiday season.

1. The safe and smart way to do holiday lighting 

Let’s face it, installing Christmas lights is risky work. Don’t go thru the hassle, hire a licensed and insured company to do it right.

2. Custom fit 

With professional holiday lighting, the installers are able to custom cut the lights to fit your home exactly, so there’s no ugly loose ends and everything looks neat and clean.

3. Professional Quality

Christmas light installers use the best in commercial grade Christmas lights, resulting in a far superior product that also looks much better and brighter than the stuff used by homeowners.

4. Ongoing Maintenance & Hassle Free Takedown

Another great thing about hiring the pros is the ongoing maintenance and takedown services offered. At Tiger Wash, we offer our customers 24/7 support and maintenance to take care of any issues that arise with your lights and decorations.

We also offer takedown services included in all installations!

5. Reduce Holiday Stress

A lot of stress can come from already busy homeowners having to stop and worry about all of the things that naturally go into hanging Christmas lights and decorating your house. Hiring a professional makes this process hassle and stress free!

Ready to light up your home or business? Call Tiger Wash at 504-270-4925 for a free, no obligation estimate today!







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